How to Troubleshoot a Dishwasher for Drying Faults?
Introduction: Why Is My Dishwasher Not Drying Dishes? Dishwashers are designed to clean dishes and dry them. The dishwasher does not dry the dishes if the water is not hot enough or there is too much food on the dishes. Poor water pressure will also cause the dishwasher to miss spots, which means it will need to be re-run until all spots are clean. As for too much food on the dish, the machine needs to use more water because it has to use a cycle that washes and rinses off any residue left behind by food. Why My Dishwasher Isn't Drying - 5 Common Reasons and Solutions This is a sample intro for one of the sections in my article on dishwasher repair. I've noticed that when I use my dishwasher, it is not drying the dishes like it used to. There could be many reasons for this - - water filter clogging up - soap not dissolving properly - too much detergent (leading to residue on dishes) - food or grease in the bottom of the dishwasher (leading to suds blocking drainage) - faulty ...