How to Get Rid of Fridge Odours and Prevent Them from Happening Again?
Introduction: Why does my fridge smell?
The smell of food wafting out of an open fridge may be tantalizing, but it can also be alarming. If your fridge is making any type of odor, it's important to find the source and eliminate the problem.
Common causes of a smelly fridge include: spoiled meat, moldy fruit, pets' food bowls being left open, old produce in the crisper drawer, spilling something on the floor of the refrigerator.
Since many homes have more than one refrigerator freezer or are large enough for multiple refrigerators or freezers, if you suspect that you have two sources for odors in your home you should check them both.
Factors that Affects Refrigerator Odours
Odours can come from a variety of sources. When it comes to food items, it is important to consider the following factors:
Raw foods are usually more likely to produce odours than cooked or processed foods. This is because cooking or processing destroys potential bacteria that cause odours.
The type of food being stored in the refrigerator can also affect odour production. For example, fish products have a tendency to produce stronger odours than other types of foods.
Vegetables and fruits also release strong gases which emit potent smells when they are stored in airtight containers, such as sealed plastic bags or rigid plastic containers with lids.
How Can I Prevent Bad Smells From My Fridge?
There are a few easy ways to prevent bad smells from your fridge. First, you should clean the fridge regularly. You can vacuum the vents, remove any food or spills, and wipe down the shelves. Next, you should make sure that your fridge is only stocked with fresh food. It is best to keep perishables in the door while storing non-perishables in the rest of the freezer and refrigerator. Finally, try not to store smelly foods next to each other or near anything that could absorb their odor like onions or celery.
How do I Clean and Deodorize My Fridge?
First, unplug the fridge and remove any food items.
Next, scrub the shelves with soap and water. For stubborn stains, use a dishwasher detergent or baking soda. If your fridge has a filter at the back, you need to clean that too.
You can also try using products like Fridge-It to help deodorize your fridge.
What are some Best Practices for Keeping my Fridge Clean and Fresh?
We all know how important it is to keep our fridge and our pantry clean and organized. It's even more important when dealing with food. But we can't be perfect and sometimes we forget to take care of our fridge for a few days.
The following are some best practices for keeping your refrigerator clean and fresh:
- Always wash produce before storing it in the fridge
- Store leftovers in the front of your fridge
- Keep items you will use first closer to the door
- When shopping, make sure that refrigerated food also has a cold setting on them
- Make sure that any foods with lids are sealed tight
Call Appliance Repairs Technician to Get Rid of Fridge Odours
The fridge is a major part of any home. It not only stores food for the family but also preserves it. A fridge is often the heart of a kitchen and a focal point in a home.
Unfortunately, with time, it accumulates moisture and odours from the food inside and sometimes even from outside sources. When that happens, people need to call appliance repair services to get rid of these smells from their fridges.
It is normal for a fridge to get odours. The most common reason for this is that the seal has been broken and consequently moisture has collected in the fridge. To fix this problem, you can use baking soda and lemon juice.
If still the smell persists then you can call a technician for fridge repairs Brisbane, who can help you to find the solution.
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